Saturday, October 15, 2011

Love of coffee could hook you on drugs

Terjumpa kat yahoo news..then nak share ngan u all..
Love of coffee could also get you hooked on drugs -- so beware, warn scientists
Those who respond well to caffeine, found in energy drinks too, often enjoyed the effects of amphetamines and cocaine, especially in high doses, says a new study.

Not everyone who enjoys caffeine will abuse cocaine, they added, but the stimulating effects of these drugs make them particularly vulnerable, the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence reports.

The study is based on a group which was asked if it preferred caffeine to a placebo tablet. It was then given a type of amphetamine and asked to rate it. Most who liked the caffeine liked the drugs, the Daily Mail reports.

Stacey Sigmon, professor at Vermont University, US, said: 'People differ dramatically in how they respond to drugs.

'For example, a single dose of a drug can produce completely opposite effects in two people with one absolutely loving and the other hating the drug's effects.

'It is important to improve our understanding of these differences, as they may reflect key individual differences in vulnerability or resilience for drug abuse.'

The study is the first to demonstrate caffeine prospectively predicts the positive subjective effects of another drug.

note : syukur...saya ni bukan pengemar coffee . Bagi pengemar coffee di luar sana .., beware ya @ kurangkan pengambilan coffee..


  1. sometime i need coffee ga winn,somtime nda,kopi nemu ngsuh ku jampat nervous,esp nti minum perut kosong..

  2. bahaya sy mmg suka kopi2 kene kurangkan sbb xelok utk bf..

  3. Good info Win..thanks.. kebetulan sejak I minum 2 minggu lepas & kepala I tak sakit (selalu klu minum sakit), sejak tu I jd mcm ketagih.. asik nak minum je tiap pagi. Hopefully, pasni I kena cari alternatif lain.. maybe minum susu plak kot.

  4. mommyYen: aku kenya meh, sometime aku suka minum pearl..
    hanim: ya, kurangkan pengambilan coffee..takut ketagih
    miss mirror: jom kita beralih ke anlene :)

  5. Hello, momyShane. Kak penggemar kopi jg tapi tdk la sampai ketagih, hihi.... Kak biasa minum instant nesc pagi2, malam2 minum milo.....:D Betul tu, kurangkan dos kopi, kurang baik utk ksihatan....:D

  6. saya pun sama kakimun, tak la sampai ketagih..minum sekali sekala je :)



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