Dalam minggu ni mood nak buat entry memang 'down' sesangat. On9 pun kejap2, juz bw saja tanpa buat post.Lagipun Monday hari tu saya mengikuti bengkel dari pagi sampai petang, Wednesday pun seharian di sekolah untuk xtvt kokurikulum,Thursday buat lesson plan coz nak hantar hari nie. Hmmmmm baru hari ni ada free, saya akan melawat u all & buat 1 entry.hehe..biasalah orang yang ada penyakit 'm' selalu ada 1001 alasan.ye tak??Tapi jangan risau, ada kesempatan saya akan singgah ke blog rakan2. Rindu nak tau perkembangan rakan2 blogger semua :)
Entry about my son Gerald Shane.
Dia sekarang ni makin suka melukis.Dia suka melukis toys kesukaan dia seperti kereta, lori, aeroplane & helikopter. Walau rupanya tidaklah secantik mana, namun saya amat hargai kerana itu adalah hasil kreativitinya.Semalam sedang saya asyik tengok tv, dia panggil saya suruh tengok apa yang dia lukis. Jerit2 bagitau dia pandai lukis heli sambil tunjukkan gambar heli yang dia lukis kat drawing board. Saya tengok, adalah juga rupa helikopter. Saya tepuk la tangan & puji dia..bagi dia semangat sikit. Then Shane suruh ambik gambar lagi. Huh, ni mesti gara2 dia tengok saya ni suka ambik gambar. Ye la..ckit2 nak captured pic.Sebagai bukti la kan.hehehe.Jom kita tengok helicopter drawing by: Shane..
He said : "momy2 take a picture"..
Saya search kat google 'How to draw a cartoon helicopter?'Inilah yang saya jumpa, afterward saya nak beli drawing book, coz nak ajar shane draw helikopter yang lebih cantik.
1 . First, draw a big circle to create the fuselage. Draw a rectangle over the fuselage to illustrate the swash plate that will eventually hold the rotor.
2. Next, draw a rectangle to form the tail of the helicopter. When you are done, you can draw the rotor on top. You can make it bend a little like shown above for more realism
3. then, add some rectangles to form the tail fin and the tail rotor. Make sure the rotor is not drawn in the same orientation as the tail fin to avoid confusion. You can also sketch the landing skids
4.Now work on the fuselage to make it more accurate. You can add windows and joined the landing skids to the fuselage itself.
5. You can also refine the rotor and the top part of the helicopter.
Finally, work on the tail so that all parts are joined together. You can add the remaining part of the landing skids on the far side. I also added a small logo on the side of the fuselage to make it more appealing.
sources : cartoons.com/cartoon
*That's all..I hope my son had fun drawing this simple helicopter..babaii happy weekend 2 u all :)
4.Now work on the fuselage to make it more accurate. You can add windows and joined the landing skids to the fuselage itself.

5. You can also refine the rotor and the top part of the helicopter.
Finally, work on the tail so that all parts are joined together. You can add the remaining part of the landing skids on the far side. I also added a small logo on the side of the fuselage to make it more appealing.
sources : cartoons.com/cartoon
*That's all..I hope my son had fun drawing this simple helicopter..babaii happy weekend 2 u all :)
Bagus tu Win kalau dia minat.. anak bujang I cuma minat menconteng perabot2 kat rumah ni..haha.. I biarkan je, asalkan dia pergunakan tangannya utk sesuatu aktiviti sbb I difahamkan minda kanak2 dpt diperkembangkan bila jari jemarinya dibiasakan memegang sesuatu for example pensil, gunting and so on.
ReplyDeletepandai shane,gud boy.nice ko yen..hahaha..
ReplyDeleteyen cuma ka lukis car ja ba paper..dah nya kitai asuh ya draw myuh-myuh car...tiap kali meda ku megai paper mesti minta sigi paper..hadoiii
waa bagusnya shane nie .. nak jadi architecture yaaa ... bagus2 .. nanti study kat tmpt aunty yaaa .. huhuh entah aunty masih ada atau tidak ekekek
ReplyDeletegood boy shane...nnti boleh lukis gambar heli cantik2 ye!
ReplyDeleteizan pun tak pandai melukis sgt tau mommy. tp kalau tgk naufal mmg dia suka sgt melukis n mewarna. agak seni orangnya...berbanding ummi dia.
**happy weekend to mommy n family ye~
missmirror:betul tu, perkembangan kanak2 tak boleh disekat
ReplyDeletemommyYen:pandai yen buli nuan ya
kakieda:boleh2 nanti shane kat tmpt aunty.hehe
izan:saya pun tak pandai lukis, tu la search kat google, shane selalu kata salah lukisan saya.haha